Search Engine Rankings are governed by hundreds of factors. That's what has been told to you by most of SEO's or similar organizations. Does that mean that you have to deal with something similar to rocket science to understand the nitty- gritty of search engine optimization? Absolutely not.
The factors that impact rankings are the following:
* Search-friendly pages
* Relevant content
* A trusted website
Let's discuss these factors one at a time.
1. Search-friendly pages
Crawlers, also known as bots, are used by search engines to brows the Internet by following various links. Crawlers scan web content and store the same in a database. A number of databases constitute the web index of a search engine. When a visitor performs search using a set of keywords, the index is scanned for pages that are relevant with respect to the search phrase. In a nutshell, you must ensure high visibility of your web content and web pages.
FAQ's about Crawlers
* JavaScript is NOT visible to crawlers
* Crawlers are not Flash-friendly
* Crawlers are blind to Images; they can read only HTML text.
* Crawlers prefer those pages that take less time to load.
2. Relevant content
Ensure that the right keywords are used at each of the following places:
* Title tags
* Headlines
* Body
* Anchor Text
That does not mean keyword stuffing in these areas. It gives the user a headache to read a page that has been stuffed with keywords. Google's intelligent tool, AdWords can be used to learn about keywords.
3. A trusted website
The first two factors, i.e., search friendly pages and relevant content are not too difficult to manage. Hence, you should also focus on the most important factor- A Trusted Website.Now the question arises- How do search engines decide whether they can trust a website?
* Age of your website
* Quality Inbound Links
* Outbound Links- Ensure that the website to which you link are spam free
Source :
anchor text,
relevant content,
title tags
Friday, December 25, 2009
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